Chapter 7 of book 2 of “A Matter of Will” is now available. I did find a couple non-R images to include in this announcement.
Both households make it through the night, then Kyle and Kayla and Bill return to Jackson and Letty for more practice and lessons.
A little bit of trivia. I actually loved Letty just a little bit in this chapter. She’s not a terribly nice person. But sometimes when she’s cornered, and she doesn’t have time to think too much about it, she does the right thing. Like immediately, wholeheartedly supporting her sister, having certainty enough for the both of them; and supporting her husband during his own confusion. I hadn’t planned this scene back when when I was outlining what I wanted to happen in the story. But sometimes a character has a good idea that the author didn’t think of. And sometimes you give her enough lead to run with it. And sometimes it’s even worth keeping afterward.
Ha — excuse me. Just pontificating on my writing process there.
But when someone shows courage, you should recognize that. And Letty showed more courage here than I was expecting her to. Cool!
Hope you guys enjoy! And happy holidays to everyone!
I’m going to take two weeks breather over Christmas, though I’ll still touch base with you all on Jan 4. Then two weeks after that, on Jan 18, I’ll have chapter 8 ready for you.
The link below is for the freely-available version. I did finally manhandle the cache into behaving itself, so we’re back to the normal URL. I’ll post the links for 10$ and above supporters separately at Patreon and SubscribeStar.
Hope you all enjoy!
If you get impatient and want to read ahead to see how the story ends, the entire series is now available at Amazon and at Smashwords.