Logo for a fictional group that produces videos of folks when their ids (as in: randy rowdy subconsciouses) run wild.

The characters in the stories see themselves on video, doing … things. Putting things … places. With people they … had no conscious clue they insanely had the hots for. Or would turn into mewling little messes for …

They don’t remember filming it or even doing it, but … sure enough, that’s them on video. Doing all those … sexual … things with that … totally inappropriate person …

I’ve scribbled out drafts of several shorts in this series, but haven’t polished any of them enough to release them yet. One of the shorts is titled “Who Let the Whores Out?” in tribute to that old Baha Men song with the pulsing beat and the chorus:

Who let the whores out?
(orgasmic moan) … (orgasmic moan) …